Sunday 5 October 2014

Happy life list #8-14

Here is #8-14 of my Happy Life List

 8. Learn to speak French

 9. Implement Yoga into my daily life

 10. Complete an advanced degree

 11. Make peace with the past

 12. Eat only happy, healthy meat and dairy

 13. Understand where I came from

 14. Vacation to Savannah, Georgia

Sometimes, Life Really is Simple.

...simply wonderful

Rainy Day Cookies

So Friday evening was rainy and dinner was underwhelming and hadn't fulfilled that nights need for comfort food. Our cupboards were looking embarrassingly bare so I needed something EASY to make. I don't actually remember where I came across this recipe, but I knew I had what I needed. They are a variation of chocolate chip cookies. I call them "Choco Chip Ball things". Fancy. I only had half a bag of chips so I just halved the recipe. Here is the full recipe.